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PANTWEAR (2).png

Each delegate must upload a video to the shared drive where she models Fashion Wear with a finesse that reflects the design of the chosen attire.  Modeling performance should reflect the standard "Miss Universe Organization" walk.
Details:  Videos from other pageant performances are prohibited without written permission from the pageant owner.  Your video should be filmed as if you are on a runway.  Stop #1 is your presentation pose.  Stop #2, Pose and turn. Stop #3, pose and Exit.  See below for a diagram.  No editing is allowed.  The video should be a straight shoot from beginning to end.   

Time Limit:  One minute.

Attire:  In keeping with the title of the specific competition, Fashion Wear should be unique and fit the delegate well.  This competition is

open to pant-wear, dresses, shorts, etc.  Hats are allowed.  Please refrain from using props.  Disrobing is prohibited.  Age appropriate designs are  a must for teens.

Judging Criteria:  Modeling ability, finesse, attire and overall impression.

Scoring:  Fashion Wear counts for 20% of the total score.
NOTE:  All noticeable tattoos must be covered.

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